Value orientations of personality as psychological mechanisms of professional socialization

Valentina Viktorovna Kolosova


Kolosova V.V. Value orientations of personality as psychological mechanisms of professional socialization // Psychological science and practice: State of the Art. Collected papers / Ed. Kostrigin A.A. Chicago, 2017. P. 102-106.

The article is devoted to the study of the specific value orientations (VO) of students, based on respondents' perceptions of two forms of self-concept ‑ real and ideal. We consider the VO as the basis for choosing the methods and activities and the basis for meaningful life decisions made by the individual. In the system of professionally important qualities of a specialist, the structure of the VO is an important component of the personal characteristic, which determines responsible, moral, effective models of behavior in various social situations (Kolosova, 2013). In adolescence, in the absence of one's own life experience, a worldview, self-consciousness, the personality's VO system, a set of self and ideal representations about oneself are being formed most intensely. This makes the problem of scientific understanding, objective analysis, development and formation of the VO system of modern youth particularly relevant. It is known that the image of the I-real contains settings related to actual abilities, roles and statuses, the image of the self-ideal contains settings related to the individual's ideas about what he would like to become.

In the course of the conducted research, using the modified methodof M. Rokeach, the hierarchy of terminal and instrumental values of students in images of I-real and I-ideal is revealed. Preferred, indifferent and rejected values are established. The greatest differences in the mean group significance indicators were found in the group of indifferent values. Among them, it grows and finds itself on the first ranked place ‑ the value of "self-control (restraint, self-discipline)". We will take into account the replenishment of this group with such values as "tolerance (to the views and opinions of others, the ability to forgive others for their mistakes and delusions)" and "sensitivity (caring)". But the most significant change is due to the value of "good breeding", which moved from the 3 ranks down to 14 rank positions (out of 18). In the future, this value is not perceived by respondents as meaningful. Apparently, the tact, the ability to behave, observing the rules of behavior in society, showing tact in relations with other people looks archaic and even reasonable prohibitions and restrictions cause resistance to the future intelligentsia.

A significant interrelation between a number of terminal and instrumental VO in the images of the I-real and the I-ideal is established. Useful for further research is the discovery of significant interrelations between the "productive life" and "breeding" (-0,58, p ≤ 0,001), as well as the values of "creativity" and "education" (-0,54, p ≤ 0,01) .

However, in the current social situation of multiple elections, it is not easy for students to determine the hierarchy of values. We have also found a coincidence, a connection of representations in the construction of images of the I-real and the I-ideal. Given the characteristics of adolescence, in the images-representations of subjects there is ambiguity and uncertainty of elections in the sphere of professional self-realization. This may indicate their lack of meaningful, conscious meditation (in the past and in the present) about their near and far future, including the norms of life and professional growth. A number of values characterizing the sphere of professional self-realization ("interesting work", "knowledge", "creativity") and in the image of the I-real, and in an ideal image are in the middle and second half of the hierarchy, i.e. In the list of indifferent and rejected values.

The established hierarchy of the VO of students determines the possibility of constructing a forecast of the effective activity of specialists.

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(c) 2017 Valentina Viktorovna Kolosova
