Language of science as means of integrating of psychological knowledge

Yury Nikolaevich Slepko


Slepko Yu.N. Language of science as means of integrating of psychological knowledge // Psychological science and practice: State of the Art. Collected papers / Ed. Kostrigin A.A. Chicago, 2017. P. 25-29.

Solving the problem of integrating psychological knowledge is associated with the development and solution of other key methodological problems of psychology ‑ the subject matter of science, its method, the explanation of psychological knowledge and many others. Meanwhile, through each problem, the phenomenon of the language of psychological knowledge passes through a red thread, which can be treated multivalently. The language of psychology as a scientific discipline can be broadly interpreted as "special linguistic systems through which researchers organize the knowledge they produce and translate the information they receive in a professional environment" (Gusev, 2009, p. 1197). In accordance with this understanding of the language of psychology, a list of problems arises, the solution of which will make it possible to develop productively the problem of integrating psychological knowledge.

Language systems of psychology include both a terminological apparatus and an apparatus for understanding terms and concepts. The resulting contradictions between them lead to a multivalued use of terms, concepts, which ultimately leads to a mismatch in the understanding of psychological phenomena.

The synthetic character of psychology as a science that arose at the junction of philosophy and physiology created a situation in which the language of the humanities and natural sciences is used to explain the phenomena (Mazilov, 2007). They, in turn, have their own language systems, the uncritical synthesis of which leads to ambiguity and unproductive understanding of the subject matter of psychology proper.

The prognostic function of psychology also depends on the linguistic systems of the humanities and natural sciences used in it. The application of natural science ideas of the connection of psychological phenomena in the form of linear and nonlinear dependences, one- and multifactorial causalities, etc., leads to the notion of psychological knowledge to knowledge of the physical, psychophysiological one (Piaget, 1966). As a result, it makes it difficult (if not depriving) the opportunity to explain "psychologica ‑ psychological" (Eduard Spranger).

The translation of psychological knowledge into a professional environment differs from its transfer to the general public. On this transition, often there are not only contradictions between the terms of the scientific and everyday language, but also between different ways of understanding it. As a consequence, the effectiveness of psychological practice is significantly reduced.

The development of these and a number of other problems of the language of psychology will allow us to approach the problem of integrating not only psychological knowledge, but also the psychological community.

Полный текст:



Gusev S.S Jazyk nauki / Jenciklopedija jepistemologii i filosofii nauki; pod red. V.S. Stepina. M.: «Kanon+», ROOI «Reabilitacija», 2009. P. 1197-1198.

Mazilov V.A. Metodologija psihologii. Jaroslavl': JaGPU, 2007. 344 p.

Jeksperimental'naja psihologija / red.-sost. P. Fress, Zh. Piazhe. Vyp. I i II; obshhaja red. A.N. Leont'eva. M.: Izdatel'stvo «Progress», 1966. S. 157-194.


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(c) 2017 Yury Nikolaevich Slepko
