Experimental-psychological diagnostics of value-need sphere of personality at forensic-psychological expertise

Anna Vladimirovna Mantikova


Mantikova A.V.  Experimental-psychological diagnostics of value-need sphere of personality at forensic-psychological expertise // Psychological science and practice: State of the Art. Collected papers / Ed. Kostrigin A.A. Chicago, 2017. P. 126-129.

Carrying out an in-depth psychodiagnostic examination of subjects of forensic psychological examination is a common thing, however, there is no clear regulation on the requirements for the methods by which the necessary parameters are investigated (Mantikova, Chuprov, 2016). According to the author's experience in the implementation of forensic psychological examinations, in order to solve the problems posed to the expert, one often has to use a significant package of psychodiagnostic techniques. In this regard, both the procedure for carrying out and processing with the subsequent interpretation of the survey results are lengthy. At the same time, the most important questions concerning the motivation of the conduct of the subject of the examination often are "behind the scenes".

Approved in senior adolescents both in the situation of research work (within the framework of the dissertation research), and in mature people (as part of the examination), automated "System of Psychological Diagnostics of the Value-Needed Sphere of the Personality" by V.G. Morogin (Morogin, 2007; Mantikova, Ten, 2016), is able to solve this problem in a complex manner.

The value-needed sphere of personality (hereinafter referred to as VNSP) is "a unique hierarchy of individual needs that are formed throughout the life of the individual, adapted to the system of public values approved by the group majority" (Morogin, 2007; Mantikova, 2015). The automated diagnostic complex, due to the specially organized simultaneous and successive presentation of stimuli-values in the shortest time interval (0,01 sec), allows the subject to identify only the most significant in the social context, as well as the archetypally conditioned values that constitute the architectonics of his motivation.

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Mantikova A.V., Chuprov L. F. K voprosu o provedenii sudebno-psihologicheskoy ekspertizyi v sovremennyih usloviyah // Nauka. Myisl. Materialyi mezhdunarodnoy mezhvuzovskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Aktualnyie problemyi administrativno-profilakticheskoy deyatelnosti», Nizhegorodskaya akademiya MVD Rossii, 16 marta 2016. Vyipusk 5-1. S. 88-92.

Morogin V.G. Kontseptsiya i metodologiya issledovaniya tsennostno-potrebnostnoy sferyi lichnosti // Vestnik TGPU. Tomsk, 2007. S.27-48.


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(c) 2017 Anna Vladimirovna Mantikova
