Experience of expert position teaching of students-psychologists

Olga Alfonsasovna Belobrykina


Belobrykina O.A. Experience of expert position teaching of students-psychologists // Psychological science and practice: State of the Art. Collected papers / Ed. Kostrigin A.A. Chicago, 2017. P. 136-141.


In the conditions of modernization of the national education the role of the psychological service is conceptually changing (Metelkova, 2010). In determining the prospects for its development, one of the most important areas of activity of an educational psychologist is recognized as expertise. The importance of psychological examination in education is noted by many authors (Kostrigin A. A., Khusyainov T. M., Chuprov, 2015; Lakeeva, Belobrykina, 2014; Metelkova, 2010; Psihologicheskaja jekspertiza…, 2016; Semago, Semago, Ratinova, Sitkovskaja, 2004). In accordance with the demand for this type of activity, the curriculum of the university training of psycho-pedagogical personnel for the education system introduces both separate academic disciplines and special forms and methods of work that are included in a number of training courses aimed at mastering elementary methods of solving the applied problems of the expert activity and requirements for a specialist of this profile. During the practical classes, students master various areas of expert activity, ways of analyzing and evaluating the structure, content and quality: normative documents; features of the organization of the developing environment; diagnostic tools of a specialist; professional educational and methodical literature; educational programs, technologies and projects; psychological and pedagogical work with children and students; methodological support and didactic material; professional activity, competence level and ethical competence of pedagogical workers. Particular attention is paid to teaching students in expert assessment of the level of actual development of the child at different age stages (Psihologicheskaja jekspertiza…, 2016).

Reflection of the experience of updating the position of the expert in students allows us to note that with general positive dynamics of the results of this innovation, there are some difficulties. Thus, for example, by assessing the structure, content and quality, the overall effectiveness of the analyzed materials at a sufficiently high level, and demonstrating it in the process of oral discussion, at the same time, a considerable share of students in preparing expert opinions in writing is experiencing considerable difficulties. In our opinion, this phenomenon is connected both with the lack of adequate identification samples of expert opinions of different orientations, and with a culture of written speech that is not sufficiently formed among students (Kostrigin A. A., Khusyainov T. M., Chuprov, 2015; Stoyukhina, 2007).

The greatest difficulty for students is the need to use a logical system of evidence and reasoning. Quite often the content of expert opinions is descriptively-ascertaining, not analytical. For example, when assessing teaching aids, students do not use citations from the analyzed text as an illustrative material, they do not refer to the work of scientists whose views, conceptual positions and positions could be used to confirm the validity of the comments. It is extremely rare for students to update the theoretical knowledge and practical experience gained in separate subject areas for a specific period of vocational training. In addition, in the opinions often the emotional evaluation prevails over the methodological substantiation of critical remarks (Stoyukhina, 2007). Individual students have a reduced level of need for automation of assimilated analysis algorithms and their subsequent independent application. To eliminate the identified problems and contradictions, in particular, to improve the culture of written speech, the level of scientific citation, expand the ways to substantiate one's own reasoning and use evidence, we offer students to submit expert opinions on certain areas in the form of a scientific publication (articles, theses). Prepared in this format materials: increase the level of responsibility of the performer and, accordingly, the quality of the task; are also passed an expert evaluation, where first students and then a lecturer act as experts; actualize most students' professional reflection on their own work; activate the motivation of professional self-development. After elimination of the indicated comments and subsequent scientific editing, the prepared materials are submitted for discussion to the professional community. Currently, the initiative group of students compiles a list of diagnostic techniques and sources in which they are located, teaching aids that are not recommended, in terms of their quality and professional compliance, to to use in the practice of a psychologist education. In addition, a differentiated list of demonstration educational materials (games, toys, cartoons, television programs for children and youth) is prepared for teachers and parents who may have an adverse impact on the mental development of children.

Полный текст:



Kostrigin A. A., Khusyainov T. M., Chuprov L. F. Aktual'nye voprosy rasprostranenija special'nyh znanij iz oblasti pedagogiki, psihologii, mediciny i sociologii sredi naselenija: novye vyzovy // Nauka. Mysl'. 2015. № 5. S. 17-24.

Lakeeva M.Ju., Belobrykina O.A. Rol' metodicheskogo obespechenija v formirovanii professional'noj kompetentnosti psihologa // Vestnik po pedagogike i psihologii Juzhnoj Sibiri. 2014. № 2. S.65-73.

Metelkova E.I. Sluzhba prakticheskoj psihologii obrazovanija kak instrument social'nogo razvitija // Vestnik prakticheskoj psihologii obrazovanija. 2010. № 2 (23). S. 43-50.

Psihologicheskaja jekspertiza: sovremennost' i tendencii razvitija: monografija /O.A.Belobrykina, V.L.Dresvjannikov, L.B.Shnejder, I.E.Valitova, K.L.Lidin, G.A.Vartanjan /Pod nauch. red. O.A.Belobrykinoj, V.L.Dresvjannikova. Novosibirsk: Izdatel'stvo OOO «Nemo Press», 2016. 180 s.

Semago, M.M., Semago N.Ja., Ratinova N.A., Sitkovskaja O.D. Jekspertnaja dejatel'nost' psihologa obrazovatel'nogo uchrezhdenija. M.: Ajris-Press, 2004. 128 s.

Stoyukhina N.Yu. Razmyshlenija psihologa o prepodavanii // Psihologija v vuze. 2007. № 2. S. 111-120.


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(c) 2017 Olga Alfonsasovna Belobrykina
